Sogeumsan Cable Car Opens
Sogeumsan Grand Valley Cable Car to Officially Launch on February 25
Wonju City has announced(əˈnounst) that it will hold(hōld) the opening(ˈōp(ə)niNG) ceremony(ˈserəˌmōnē) for the cable car(ˈkābəl kär) at Sogeumsan Grand Valley on Tuesday(ˈt(y)o͞ozˌdā), February(ˈfeb(y)əˌwerē) 25, at 2:30 PM at the Sogeumsan Grand Valley Integrated Center (ˈintəˌɡrātid ˈsentər).

The event(əˈvent) will be attended(əˈtendid, attend əˈtend) by Wonju Mayor Won Kang-soo, government(ˈɡəvər(n)mənt) officials (əˈfiSHəlz), tourism(ˈto͝orˌizəm) industry(ˈindəstrē) representatives(ˌreprəˈzentədivz), and local residents(ˈrezədənts), totaling(ˈtōtliNG, total ˈtōtl) around participants(pärˈtisəpənts).
The ceremony will feature(ˈfēCHər) a pre-event performance(pərˈfôrməns, perform pərˈfôrm), a project(ˈpräˌjekt) progress(ˈpräɡres) report(rəˈpôrt), congratulatory(kənˈɡraCH(ə)ləˌtôrē) speeches(ˈspēCHəz, speak spēk), and a commemorative(kəˈmem(ə)rədiv) photo session(ˈseSHən).
Sogeumsan Grand Valley has gradually(ˈɡrajo͞oəlē) expanded(ikˈspandid, expand ikˈspand) its tourism infrastructure(ˈinfrəˌstrəkCHər) with the addition (əˈdiSHən) of Sogeumsan Suspension Bridge(səˈspenSHən ˈbrij), Sogeum Cliff Walk(klif wôk), Sky Tower (skī ˈtouər), Wulleong Bridge(ˈwʊl-ləŋ ˈbrij), and escalators(ˈeskəˌlādərz).
With the completion(kəmˈplēSHən, complete kəmˈplēt) of the cable car and integrated center, the project is now fully realized(ˈrēəˌlīzd, realize ˈrēəˌlīz) as a premier(prēˈmir) tourist destination(ˌdestəˈnāSHən).
The cable car will officially(əˈfiSHəlē) begin(bəˈɡin) operations(ˌäpəˈrāSHənz, operate ˈäpəˌrāt) on Wednesday(ˈwenzdā), February 26, with operational(ˌäpəˈrāSHənl) hours set for 9 AM to 5 PM during winter November(nōˈvembər) to April(ˈāprəl)) and 9 AM to 6 PM during summer May(mā) to October(äkˈtōbər).
Visitors(ˈvizidərz) will now be able to conveniently(kənˈvēnyəntlē) access(ˈakˌses) the summit(ˈsəmit) of Sogeumsan and enjoy(inˈjoi) breathtaking(ˈbreTHˌtākiNG) panoramic(ˌpanəˈramik) views(vyooz) of the surrounding(səˈroundiNG) natural landscape(ˈnaCHər(ə)l ˈlan(d)ˌskāp)
With this new addition(əˈdiSHən), Wonju City plans to continue(kənˈtinyo͞o) developing(dəˈveləpiNG, develop dəˈveləp) various(ˈverēəs) tourism projects(ˈpräˌjekts), including(inˈklo͞odiNG) the Bangok-Geumdae Tourism Activation(ˌaktəˈvāSHən, activate ˈaktəˌvāt) Project, the Munmak Bangyeri Ginkgo Tree Site, and the Old Downtown Revitalization(rēˌvīdləˈzāSHən, revitalize ˈrēˌvīdlˌīz) Initiative(iˈniSHədiv).
Mayor Won Kang-soo stated, “We will continue(kənˈtinyo͞o) to expand(ikˈspand) tourism infrastructure(ˈinfrəˌstrəkCHər) to establish (iˈstabliSH) Sogeumsan Grand Valley as a leading(ˈlēdiNG) tourist destination(destəˈnāSHən), contributing(ˈkontrəˌbyo͞otiNG, contribute ˈkontrəˌbyo͞ot) to local economic(ˌēkəˈnämik) revitalization(rēˌvīdləˈzāSHən).”
Editor 익스플로듀서
Provided by: Wonju
🎒 Natural Note
ShineWay February 2025
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